Thelma Michelle Moore
Project Manager and Photographer
URL: https://www.trainingjournal.com/articles/feature/vilt-why-it-fails
BenchPrep Risk Management Course
Thank You to My Metro DC ASTD Chapter Friends
As it is time for me to transition off of the Metro DC ASTD Chapter’s Board of Directors (I was the 2012 President Past), I would like to thank a lot of people. Warning – The list is long! I…
iContent Learning Management System by Plateau (SuccessFactors)
2011. ESI International’s President’s Award
I was extremely honored to have received a 2010 ESI International President’s Award.
George Washington University Master’s Certificate in Project Management, 2009
George Washington University Associate’s Certificate in Project Management, 2008
2008. Anne Arundel County Public Schools STEM Award
This was the most meaningful award I have ever received. One of my students nominated me for it and I will never forget and will always be grateful.
COVAAC Presentation
Today, I presented a seminar to the Coordinators of Volunteers of Anne Arundel County. The presentation was on Social Computing: Wikis, Blogs, Podcasts, Facebook, YouTube, and and other topics. The participants were great and I had a very nice time.…